Thursday, April 15, 2010

Child Obesity a Social Problem.

The social problem being discussed is how child obesity (overweight) has become a social problem in the United States and how we need to take matters into our own hands and stride to “help Americans lead healthier lives through better nutrition, regular physical activity, and by encouraging communities to support healthy choices” as First Lady Obama would say (Rural Assistance Center). There was a shocking statistic according to the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention that stated, “about 37 percent of American children are overweight, and about 16 percent of children ages 2 to 19 are obese” (msnbc). Which shows that there is an incredible amount of improvement and life changes that needs to be made for the American people and their children. We need to strive for a healthier generation for children in the US.

Childhood obesity is considered a serious problem. Childhood obesity may raise risks of future heart disease and stroke, even in the absence of other cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure. From a new study done by The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM). The study states that there are unhealthy consequences of excess body fat which starts very early in a child’s life. The study also showed that obesity in children are linked to certain abnormalities in the blood that can possibly predispose individuals to develop cardiovascular diseases early in their adulthood. This study also shows that early childhood obesity may alone lead to even greater concerns that may affect adulthood and put children at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

U.S. children eat on average three snacks a day and this is on top of three full regular meals. The childhood obesity rate is rising to more than 16 percent and researchers are saying that snacking is a very vital aspect in these rates. Researchers have found that children are constantly snacking on high calorie filled snacks and that they rack up about 27% of calories from this. This is one of the reasons First Lady Obama is concerned about the fate of the children in America. Healthcare is rising and more illnesses are related to obesity, she wants this “epidemic” to stop on its tracks. First lady Obama feels that if there is less access to such foods and snacks that are unhealthy then there are higher hopes that children will decide on healthier alternatives.

Resources (ASA style):

1. “Childhood Obesity Alone May Increase Risk Of Later Cardiovascular Disease.” 2010. Medical News Today. Retrieved March 4, 2010.
2. “Snacks turn kids into ‘constant’ eaters”. 2010. MSNBC. Retrieved March 4, 2010.

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